Digital marketing is a battleground in which marketing professionals are struggling to gain competitive advantage. There may be intransigent targets, tight budgets, limited resources and a surplus of competitors in a breakthrough tools and platforms scenario. A conventional approach to marketing is no longer enough. The only way to survive is to adapt, this scenario is that comes an ally, the Growth Hacking strategy. In startups, the Growth Hacking is a discipline that can be grown within a marketing team. Anyway, the Growth hacking and digital marketing are two very complementary specialties.
This study focused on the Growth Hacking strategies implemented by technology giants. The company Uber private transport networks pioneered the rapid growth and in particular product development, has been chosen as a case study. The qualitative survey was conducted with a cross-sectional findings general collecting various cases. Potential Growth Hacking strategies that were applied by Uber are evaluated through marketing and product development, which form the basis of exponential growth. This research is intended to incorporate it as a digital mindset, giving successful examples from the real world and create a bridge of information between the world economy and the academic world.
Norberto De Almeida Andrade, Giuliano Carlo Rainatto, Fonttamara Leite Lima, Genésio Renovato da Silva Neto, Denis Gustavo Paschoal. The power of growth hacking strategies and the exponential growth of UBER. Int J Res Marketing Manage Sales 2020;2(1):16-24. DOI: 10.33545/26633329.2020.v2.i1a.40