Changing dynamics of consumer buying behaviour of Indian customers: A review
Dr. Uttam Kumar Purbey
In present scenario, the study of consumer buying behaviour has pivotal role from marketer point of view. This article reviewed the literatures with regard to the changing pattern of consumer buying behaviour at two points of times. Significant changes have been taking place in Indian market during Pre and post liberation period. The delivery of goods and services has been extensively increased during post liberalization period due to the entrance of many foreign companies in India. The concept of consumer buying behaviour have been strongly associated with their society, economic status, psychological and social set up during pre-liberalization period i.e. the period from 1970-1993. But the concept of consumer buying behaviour has drastically changed and more efforts were made to identify the desires, wants and satisfaction of the customers after liberalization period i.e. 1993 onwards. Marketers were interested to find out the answer of questions like why consumer opposed to buy the product, why the consumer shown attitude while purchasing etc. The researcher has developed more rational models of consumer behaviour and recent developed model composed of all important components by taking into account the consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions of consumers in the market place when purchasing a product or service, etc. Early models of consumer buying behaviour was based on the decision making aspects of the consumer in the context of their social, economic, psychological condition, while the recent model was more comprehensive and includes market aspects of the product also. The role and implications of these models have been highly recognised by different organizations, marketers, traders etc. for setting up new avenues for economic and social growth of economy in the context of Indian perspectives. The present study aims to integrate the different paradigms of thoughts with regard to consumer buying behaviour.
Dr. Uttam Kumar Purbey. Changing dynamics of consumer buying behaviour of Indian customers: A review. Int J Res Marketing Manage Sales 2020;2(2):33-37. DOI: 10.33545/26633329.2020.v2.i2a.54