A study on farmer behaviour influencers of agricultural credit and savings in Raipur district Chhattisgarh
Sarita Ghidode and Sanjay Kumar Joshi
Agriculture credit is one of the requirements for farmers to improve agricultural output as a country's agricultural development progresses. The Indian rural credit system has dual investment features, with both official (institutional) and informal (non-institutional) sectors coexisting (Umesh, 2000). The district of Raipur in the Chhattisgarh was chosen for the study. Arang and Abhanpur block were selected purposively based on major Agri loan borrowers from the blocks, and two villages were selected purposively from each block, thus a total of 4 villages were selected for the present study. 50 farmers are will be selected randomly to comprise the sample of 200 for study. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was followed for selecting the sample of borrower farmers.
Sarita Ghidode, Sanjay Kumar Joshi. A study on farmer behaviour influencers of agricultural credit and savings in Raipur district Chhattisgarh. Int J Res Marketing Manage Sales 2022;4(2):26-30. DOI: 10.33545/26633329.2022.v4.i2a.108