Analyzing E-shop onsite optimization factors in the context of E-commerce search engine optimization
Nektarios Stylianou Makrydakis and Ioannis Skopeteas
Search engine optimization of e-shops by using onsite optimization factors is an important part of the search engine marketing process and in particular of SEO category. Onsite optimization process is used by e-shops to improve their ranking in search engine results. Onsite optimization techniques convert and upgrade e-shops, make them more competitive and increase the chances of attracting internet users and converting leads into customers. This study focuses on the appropriate factors to be carried out within webpages code and content management systems of e-shops in order each webpage to achieve higher ranking position on search engine result pages. Search engine optimization is a major pillar of digital marketing and in this context the paper reveal and underline all important factors any e-shop has to implement so as to take viable ranking position on search engine results which lead to visiting of appropriate target groups and convert them into customers. In this paper researchers defined the term onsite optimization, explains its role in the ranking of search engines, reviewed previous studies on using techniques onsite optimization and stated recommendations for better use of these factors. The literature review indicated that the effective implement of onsite optimization improves overall search engine optimization strategy of e-shop which reflects higher ranking position and better cash flows.
Nektarios Stylianou Makrydakis, Ioannis Skopeteas. Analyzing E-shop onsite optimization factors in the context of E-commerce search engine optimization. Int J Res Marketing Manage Sales 2022;4(2):40-47. DOI: 10.33545/26633329.2022.v4.i2a.111