EWOM and purchase intention: A brief look at the last decade by Bibliometrics
Nguyen Thi Huong Ly and Pham Thanh Huyen
In the last ten years, eWOM has risen to prominence as a result of the proliferation of cellphones, social networking sites, and applications. The concept of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) centers on how consumers' purchase decisions are influenced by their social networks and the information they share. Using bibliometric analysis, this study aims to track developments in the field of research into eWOM and its relationship to consumer desire to buy. One of the most useful methods for summing up relevant information and identifying relevant patterns and future directions is this analysis. In the pursuit of eliminating data redundancy and streamlining the data cleansing procedure, the Scopus database stands as the exclusive resource harnessed, utilizing the precise keyword terms "eWOM" and "purchase intention." This meticulous search yielded a comprehensive collection of 169 scholarly studies spanning the years 2013 to 2023. The focal point of this study lies in the systematic categorization of these articles, facilitated by a range of bibliographic indicators such as publication year, the preeminent research journal, noteworthy authors, language of publication, key terminology, and the frequency of citations received. Moreover, this examination extends beyond these facets, delving into the overarching paradigms and methodologies employed by the papers within the database. This scholarly endeavor significantly contributes to the understanding of the intricate interplay between eWOM (electronic Word-of-Mouth) and consumer intent, adding depth and insight to this dynamic field of study.
Nguyen Thi Huong Ly, Pham Thanh Huyen. EWOM and purchase intention: A brief look at the last decade by Bibliometrics. Int J Res Marketing Manage Sales 2023;5(2):40-47. DOI: 10.33545/26633329.2023.v5.i2a.131