Empowering growth: Unravelling dynamics and strategies for effective rural marketing in the Indian context
Shafique Ahmed and Dr. Samiran Sur
This study explores the complex rural marketing environment within the special Indian market context. Given that a sizeable section of India's population lives in rural areas, it is essential to comprehend the dynamics and develop techniques that would effectively engage this group. The research examines the intricacies in rural marketplaces' economic, cultural, and infrastructural characteristics that set them apart from their urban counterparts. The study clarifies the fundamental variables influencing consumer choices and market trends by examining the changing consumer behaviour, tastes, and purchase patterns unique to rural India. This report addresses the main difficulties faced by marketers when addressing rural segments through a thorough analysis of recent literature and actual research. These difficulties include rural consumers' particular communication preferences and their restricted access to contemporary distribution networks. The study also emphasizes the potential opportunities that these difficulties offer for cutting-edge marketing techniques. The study also looks at case studies of brands that have successfully entered India's rural markets. It analyzes the tactics used by these companies, demonstrating how they handled the challenges of rural marketing and made the most of this group's untapped potential. The article also analyzes how digital platforms and technology are changing rural marketing. The study looks at how businesses might use these technology developments to build deep relationships with consumers in rural areas. It provides useful insights for companies looking to capitalize on the enormous potential of rural markets by examining the difficulties, possibilities, and effective techniques. Understanding the intricacies of rural India is essential for developing effective marketing strategies that connect with the distinctive ambitions and lifestyles of its citizens as the sector continues to develop and play a significant role in the nation's economy.
Shafique Ahmed, Dr. Samiran Sur. Empowering growth: Unravelling dynamics and strategies for effective rural marketing in the Indian context. Int J Res Marketing Manage Sales 2024;6(1):125-130. DOI: 10.33545/26633329.2024.v6.i1b.161